On Thu, 13 Aug 2015, Dwijesh Gajadur wrote:

> Hello Debian users 😁
> I am currently a Debian Jessie XFCE user.
> I want to have your views on Gnome VS XFCE.
> I want to try Gnome but I want to know if Gnome is stable and works
> constantly without freezing and crashing.
> Please share me your experience with Debian Gnome.

I haven't used either in years.

I've never used GNOME 3. It won't fully run on any of my systems since
none don't have 3D capability.  So, it goes into "fallback" mode. Years
ago, GNOME used to be a fairly lightweight desktop, compared to KDE
anyway.  Now, they are both resource hogs.

XFCE is a lightweight, full-featured desktop.  I chose it to run on an
old Thinkpad 240x with Debian Sarge, then Etch.  Worked well.  No
complaints.  Today, I would choose LXDE.  Even lighter.  Just as good.

But I left desktops behind a few years ago.  I now just run a window
manager (Openbox) and a single LXPanel with menu.  Can't get much

As far as stability, they all are.  Never had a crash due to any
Linux desktop.


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