Le quartidi 14 fructidor, an CCXXIII, Lisi Reisz a écrit :
> For those who have still not discovered, you have to press ^ three times in 
> succession inside a second.
> https://tlhp.cf/lennart-poettering-su/

Are you referring to that snippet:

# Connected to the local host. Press ^] three times within 1s to exit session.

... or are you referring to other parts of the page that I missed or parts
in the video?

If you are referring to that snippet, I suspect you are reading it wrong.

For once, it is "^]", i.e. Ctrl-], i.e. ASCII 0x1D, aka "group separator".

You can notice it is the same as the "escape character" present in most
telnet implementations.

And my second point is: it is obviously meant for emergency exit, like
tilde-point in SSH. You should need it almost never in normal use, where you
exit either by typing the command "exit" or by sending the EOF code (usually
Ctrl-D), just like su.

Actually, AFAIK neither sudo nor su support an emergency exit sequence. If
that has not bothered you until now, it should not bother you from now on


  Nicolas George

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