On Sep 5, 2015, at 6:23 PM, Erik Lauritsen <eriklaurit...@yandex.com> wrote:

> I have been a Debian user for more than 15 years, when the "war" about 
> systemd broke out I mostly ignored it, I just removed systemd from my systems 
> because I don't like the implementation.
> Today I was setting up a new Debian system and wanted to remove systemd only 
> to find our that the old tools "bsdutils" has been made dependent upon 
> libsystemd0
> "This package contains the bare minimum of BSD utilities needed for a Debian 
> system: logger, renice, script, scriptreplay, and wall. The remaining 
> standard BSD utilities are provided by bsdmainutils."
> What the freaking !#¤"#¤"¤#"#%" are people doing!?
> Why the hell has this collections of utilities from FreeBSD been made 
> dependent upon libsystemd0!?!?!?
> Freedom of choice my ass!

Lotsa freedom. One of my boxes is doing a major install of FreeBSD as we speak, 
so I can see if I can live with it. So far it seems a lot like Debian, except 
for iptables, the way their equivalent of /etc/init.d is done, and the funny 
names they call things in /dev...

Glenn English

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