Op 10-09-15 om 23:57 schreef Lisi Reisz:
> On Thursday 10 September 2015 13:37:03 Brian wrote:
>>> Nonetheless, flashplayer-mozilla works on my desktop and
>>> flashplugin-nonfree doesn't.  FOR THIS SPECIFIC CHANNEL.
>> Intriguing. Are the HAL packages installed?
> All the ones you mention plus hal-trinity.   But so has my husband's 
> computer.  
> He has only the one libflashplayer.so, the mozilla one.
> I, on the other hand, have three:
> /home/lisi/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so
> /usr/lib/flashplayer-mozilla/libflashplayer.so
> /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so
> Plus two actually on my computer in some old files belonging to a client.

The correct place is:
It's important to remove the other ones.

> Reported in iceweasel thus:
>  <quote>  
>  File: libflashplayer.so,libflashplayer.so,libflashplayer.so
> Path: 
> /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so,/usr/lib/flashplayer-mozilla/libflashplayer.so,/home/lisi/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so
>     Version:
>     Shockwave Flash 11.2 r202
> </quote>
> And then a table.
> My husband has:
> <quote>
> File: libflashplayer.so
> Path: /usr/lib/flashplayer-mozilla/libflashplayer.so
> Version:
> State: Enabled
> Shockwave Flash 11.2 r202
> </quote>

Your husband has the correct version for Iceweasel. You are using an old

But it's better to use Chromium, it has version

With regards,
Paul van der Vlis.

Paul van der Vlis Linux systeembeheer Groningen

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