On Mon, 12 Oct 2015, rlhar...@oplink.net wrote: > I would like to send a document file (.tex or .dvi or .ps) as an email > attachment to an associate so that he can print a copy and file it. > There is no need for him to edit the file. But my associate is running > Windows, and does not have a Postscript printer.
Use ps2pdf or dvipdf or better, pdflatex, or even better, xelatex. > Is there a fool-proof solution to this need? I have considered asking > my associate to install ghostscript, and I have considered purchasing > a Postscript printer for him. I do not know which Windows (XP, Vista, > or 7) he is running. Use PDF instead of PS. That's the fool-proof method, and you get the advantages of the PDF specification. [It's also probably time to move away from pdflatex to xelatex or some other LaTeX engine with real utf8 support.] -- Don Armstrong http://www.donarmstrong.com