On Tue 13 Oct 2015 at 14:04:44 -0500, rlhar...@oplink.net wrote:

> On Tue, October 13, 2015 1:37 pm, Brian wrote:
> > There may be an ISO standard for a PDF but not all PDF's conform to the
> > standard. Don't forget: standards are good; everyone can have one. :)
> You make a good point, which I overlooked.  My concern was that PDF might
> have been "enhanced" over the years, similar to the enhancement of
> Postscript by the introduction of Postscript levels 2 and 3.

That wasn't quite my point, but it doesn't matter.

I receive .doc and .docx documents. The senders assume I can read them.
What do I do? Complain to them or just deal with it. Fortunately, Debian
makes it relatively easy to take the latter course of action. Why foul
up a relationship?

Now send a .dvi file to a Windows user. You will not hear the last of

The advice you have had is good. Send as PDF; MS might like you to use
xps but its optional.

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