On Wed, 14 Oct 2015 21:51:17 +0200
Arno Schuring <aelschur...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> The last time I wrote an init script:
> - copy /etc/init.d/skeleton
> - edit the DAEMON= and DESC= lines

I'll be completely honest, I just never understood sysvinit. I'm
alright with bsd-style Slackware single-rc.d-folder layout, where all
the actual scripts are and you just chmod +x them to enable/disable.
Sysv layout just confuses the hell out of me with all different folders
for each runlevel, symlinks instead of actual scripts, those weird
prefixes (S01, K01, what is this?). I always felt too intimidated by
all that to try and figure out how it all works.
Now I happily don't have to, systemd somehow was easier for me to
understand. But to each his own.

> > 2. Boot times improved.  
> It's been years since I've seen a system where the OS boot took longer
> than the BIOS boot. Linux or Windows alike.

Maybe you use SSDs, I don't know.
My main desktop is a fairly modern machine (core i5, z77 chipset, 8 gb
BIOS to grub > 4-5 seconds
grub to login screen with sysvinit ~ 12-14 seconds, with systemd ~ 5-7
seconds. I've never in my life seen any OS load in 2-3 seconds.

> So for all of my systems, systemd doesn't even work. I hope you
> understand I don't care about boot time when the boot is unsuccesful.

Fair enough. It works for all 4 of my systems where I have it. The one
where I have init (Slackware, the single-rc.d-folder one) works too.
Everything works :)

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Best wishes,
Alex S.

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