Alex Moonshine <> writes:

> On Wed, 14 Oct 2015 07:49:08 -0500
> Richard Owlett <> wrote:
>> What has the end-user, with a single machine, gained today from 
>> the adoption of systemd?
> Speaking for myself:
> 1. It took me an hour of googling to write my own working init script.
> It takes me 10 minutes to write my own systemd unit.
> 2. Boot times improved.
Autostarting programs on login is a lot simpler now, and unified across
desktop environments; I'm no longer dependent on the capabilities of the
session manager, and I can even autostart programs I need when logging in
on the console.

In my case, having a running emacs server is indispensable, so I wrote a
systemd user service unit.


"We will need a longer wall when the revolution comes."
    --- AJS, quoting an uncertain source.

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