Christian Seiler a écrit :
> Ok, if you use MBR, only the first 512 bytes are used for the MBR
> partition table, so that the gap between those bytes and the first
> partition (and there is *always* a gap, the size depends on the
> details of the logical geometry of the disk) has traditionally
> been used under Linux (among others) to put the boot loader there.
> Problem is that GPT doesn't have such a gap.

GPT usually also has such a gap for partition alignment purpose. But
GRUB won't use it.
The gap is currently about 1 MiB regardless of the partition table type.

> At least Jessie's d-i appears to only be able to create MBR
> partition tables

That's wrong. I have created GPT partition tables with Wheezy's
installer. IIRC, it creates a GPT partition table by default when booted
in EFI mode.

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