On 01/07/2016 04:22 PM, W. Martin Borgert wrote:
I try to install Jessie with a soft RAID6 of four disks, 1 TB each.
The idea is to use the complete disk for RAID and then only on top
separate swap and root.  ...
grub does not install on the fourth disk. It turns out, that the
fourth disk is GPT, while the others are DOS (= MBR, right?). Also,
the fourth disks only partition is of type "Linux RAID", while the
partitions of the other three disks are "Linux raid autodetect". ...

I prefer to put /boot, swap, and root on a single, small, fast SSD, and set up additional volumes as needed for /home, bulk data, or whatever. In addition to performance considerations, having small system drives allows me to take and restore images quickly, and archive lots of them without eating up too much space.

AFAIK, I don't need GPT for such small disks, right?

MBR can accommodate ~2 TB drives, but GPT has additional features that you might like.

Who did set up the disks in that heterogenous way? d-i?

Did you wipe all four drives, or at least the first and last 1 MB, before installing Debian?


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