On Thu, 14 Jan 2016, Gary L. Roach wrote:
> On reboot, my router connection light is lit until the bios is
> finished and the OS starts to load. At this point the light goes out.
> I thought at first I has a cable problem but have found this not to be
> the case. I have managed ( not sure how) to restore receiving but not
> sending capability. Ping to localhost works. Ping to the router
> doesn't. I have looked at all of the log files and have not been able
> to spot anything pertinent. I tried restoring part of the system from
> backup but that didn't work. The backup may be corrupted as well. All
> of the files seem to be ok but I am not completely sure.
> Has anyone had a similar problem and can suggest a fix. I will supply
> added information as needed.

I've had some problems with cheaper network cards behaving badly and
losing link once the firmware is loaded by the OS. Often this is fixed
by simply unplugging and re-plugging the cable.

But that said, I would suspect a bad cable, bad configuration, bad
router port, or similar first, as those tend to be far more likely.

What does ip link; say when things are plugged in? Do you get all of the
link lights? Does the output of ip addr; make sense for the network? Do
you see any useful packets inbound when you run tcpdump -i eth0 -n; ?

Don Armstrong                      http://www.donarmstrong.com

If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked
 -- Steven Wright

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