On Thu 14 Jan 2016 at 13:08:27 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:

> On Thursday 14 January 2016 12:59:08 jdd wrote:
> > Le 14/01/2016 17:23, Gary L. Roach a écrit :
> > > On reboot, my router connection light is lit until the bios is
> > > finished and the OS starts to load. At this point the light goes
> > > out.
> >
> > what kind of router? ethernet link to the computer - usb or plugged
> > card in a slot?
> >
> > may be you moved the card when working on the memory. try reinserting
> > all cards
> >
> > jdd
> I suspect the real problem here, and its devoured my lunch several times, 
> is udevs rule that increments the device number everytime something new 
> is installed, includeing system sw from an "upgrade" eth0 should remain 
> eth0 if its the first interface found.

Which udev rule is this which changes the interface name when *any* new
hardware is installed? Perhaps you could quote it?

> Check your dmesg after a fresh boot, it can be extremely enlightening. 
> grep for eth and see what falls out.

Decent advice. He's on Stretch, so 'journalctl' may be something to use
as well.

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