Le mardi 09 février 2016 à 09:00 -0800, Patrick Bartek a écrit :
> Yes, I know about caching, but on my system read/writes to removable
> devices are almost instantaneous.

Maybe it's just luck ? As I said, I frequently get a message from GNOME
saying the writes are not finished, and that although the drive
disappeared from the menus, I have to let it plugged. Especially when I
write large amounts of data. Which happens frequently, because it's my
backup drive.

> However, I did write my on udev rule to do the mounting/unmounting, and
> this was after reseaching expert advice on how to do it properly.

Can you explain how your udev manages to "unmount properly" when the
drive has already been unplugged ?

Or do your rules just disable caching ? I could do that, but that
doesn't prevent some program from writing on my disk when I want to
unplug it.

I've also read that disabling caching and writing all the data instantly
can reduce the lifetime of the key, as it stresses more the memory

> > Additionally, I don't have any LED on this drive, which makes it even
> > more dangerous.
> Then my method won't work well for you.

It's the only thing I miss with this key. It was handy to see what my
drive was doing.

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