[Fri, 4 Mar 2016 09:59:54 -0500] Kynn Jones <kyn...@gmail.com> wrote:


> When I ran `dpkg -S` over all the files reported by `fc-list`, and
> then ran `aptitude why` on the reported packages, I discovered that
> most of the superfluous fonts in my system came through packages that
> were only suggested by other packages.
> In fact, in many cases, the font-containing package is at the end of a
> chain of suggests, where each link in the chain is a suggests of the
> previous link.


I suggest you to try to uninstall some of the superflous packages.
Because whenever I found some chain of suggests, it always had one of
these reasons:

1. Aptitude did not report a stronger dependency. Often, a package is
   suggested by one but also recommended by another package. IIRC,
   when one tries to uninstall the package, Aptitude reports that some
   ``Recommends''-dependencies will be broken.
2. Sometimes, packages are pulled in as dependencies for one package
   and not removed when you uninstall the package because of
   ``Suggests''. This could probably be resolved with `deborphan`.



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