On 03/04/2016 06:59 AM, Kynn Jones wrote:
IOW, I have a ton of junk in my system, not just superfluous fonts.

How can this be, given that I never use the `--install-suggests` flag
when I run `apt-get install`, and I don't have `Item:
APT::Install-Suggests` in my `/etc/apt/apt.conf`?

I must have some big gap or error in my understanding of Debian
package management and/or how `apt-get` works...

What else do I have to do to avoid having all these suggested packages
somehow get through to my system?

I use apt-get. About a year ago I discovered that installing a certain package pulled in 100's of MB of stuff that I didn't want or need. My solution was to write a Perl wrapper script that invokes 'apt-get install' with the '--no-install-recommends' option.



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