On Sat 02 Apr 2016 at 06:59:29 +0300, Adam Wilson wrote:

> On Fri, 1 Apr 2016 11:39:29 +0100
> Anthony Campbell <a...@acampbell.uk> wrote:
> > 
> > I know this is an old thread, but I thought it would be worth mentioning
> > that BBC IPlayer now works without Flash. If you go to the BBC IPlayer
> > web page it says you can access the programs using HTML5. You just have
> > to install a cookie to do this. It's still in beta but it works for me,
> > at least with recent versions of Firefox and Chromium.
> Wonderful. So all the kerfuffle about getting Flash to work with DRM
> in Debian was for nothing after all. Huzzah!

Flash was talked about but I do not think DRM was ever a factor in the
discussion. Hence - no kerfluffle.

A shame really. We could do with one every now and then.

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