On Sun 03 Apr 2016 at 09:38:00 (+0300), Adam Wilson wrote:
> On Fri, 1 Apr 2016 23:34:58 -0500 David Wright <deb...@lionunicorn.co.uk> 
> wrote:
> > When flash streams a movie, a copy is downloaded somewhere on my
> > disk. One beneficial effect of this is that if I click the slider to
> > an earlier point in the movie, the player plays instantly from that
> > point, without a wait for buffering. Is that the same with HTML5,
> > or is it truly streaming (with no local copy on the disk)?
> I'm not sure about this. Just because moving to an earlier point in the 
> stream resumes from that point instantly does not necessarily mean that flash 
> is downloading a local copy- I'm pretty sure flash just keeps the entire 
> stream in RAM, just like HTML5.
> Either way, HTML5 does this too- you can instantly resume from an 
> already-buffered point.

No, flash writes a file. It doesn't take much ingenuity to find it.

Generally speaking with youtube, it's straightforward to find the
11-char string and use get-youtube to download the movie. With some
other sites, it doesn't appear possible to get hold of a downloadable
URL, so playing the movie and copying the flash file is the only way
I know for downloading it.

I would prefer not to lose that ability through selecting HTML5
merely because some people here say "Down with flash/Flash is dead".
If HTML5 *does* keep the information in RAM as you say, then I'm
stuck because I don't know how to find it or copy it. Can you help
with this?


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