On Mon, 25 Apr 2016, Lars Noodén wrote:

> On 04/25/2016 05:01 AM, Patrick Bartek wrote:
> > Hi! all,
> > 
> > Toying with the idea of setting up a personal, that is,
> > non-business, VPN for a device or two for those rare times I use
> > public wifi. For improved security, mind you.  Want to keep it
> > simple, but it must work outside the U.S. (I foresee a change
> > coming.)  So, figured a new home router with the server built-in
> > would be better than a for-charge (or free) VPN service.  (After 8
> > years of continuous use, I'm getting nervous about my old router
> > anyway, and want to replace it.)
> > 
> > What routers would you all recommend?  And why?
> > 
> > Thanks.
> > 
> > B
> > 
> I'd look at the list of routers that support OpenWRT or DD-WRT and
> choose from that subset, if you want an off-the-shelf product.

I have been considering that.  Just started looking yesterday.  Lots of
routers out there.  That's why I asked for recommendations.  To narrow
the field.

> However, you can build a router with more normal hardware with full
> Debian (or Devuan) and add what you like.  I have an old Soekris
> myself, though others might be more in fashion these days.

Did check if I could flash my current router with DD-WRT, but, no, it's
not supported.  Too old.  So that option is mute.  Going to get a
new router.  It's time anyway.  The old one is 8 years old!

> Keep in mind that SSH can do a SOCKS proxy itself and thus you might
> not even want to go to the trouble of setting up OpenVPN on top of
> whatever you have.

I just want something simple for security when I use public wifi on my
phone or laptop for personal web and email.  It doesn't have to be
NSA-proof. ;-)  But I'll look into that.

Thanks for your input.


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