On Sun, May 1, 2016 at 10:05 AM, John Hasler <jhas...@newsguy.com> wrote:
> Nate writes:
>> I struggled to pay attention in social studies class way back in grade
>> school 40+ years ago.  Does that count?
> Sure.  As long as you collect no rents and own no capital you can be a
> member of the proletariat.
> --
> John Hasler
> jhas...@newsguy.com
> Elmwood, WI USA

Don't want to get OT on OT, but shouldn't the converse be true instead?

That is, you're one with the workers if you or seriously aspire to work;
not having capital should not put you in the working class, and having
capital should not put you out.  (Most people have cars after all, or other
forms of working capital.)

Anyhow, hoping everybody has a good May day and a productive year writing
good free code.  (And wasn't May day an American idea originally, which
our ruling class wanted to tone down?)


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