On 03.05.2016 16:34, Lisi Reisz wrote:
On Tuesday 03 May 2016 14:22:26 Piyavkin wrote:
On 03.05.2016 02:21, Lisi Reisz wrote:
So it is all a bit circular!!  But I find the concepts of "International
Workers Day" and "the proletariat" intrinsically unpleasant.  I am in
sympathy with Eric Blair (aka George Orwell).  It is as wrong to murder
someone for being an aristo as it is to murder him for being a peasant.
Oh, my!..

I've sent Hello and best wishes on occasion to fellow people. All that
was about expression of solidarity. And intended to be lean and short,
like: a) have a nice day! b) have a nice day too; c) done. In case
someone may be irritated by relatively irrelevant posts or just not
interested the topic was marked as [OT] for filtering purposes (Subject

: contains : [OT] --> Delete from POP Server).

I've received 2 types of responses:
1. People have sent their best wishes to me in return (mostly in
private, because many are already too terrorized to express their
opinion openly).
2. Some others on the basis of «deep» linguistic analysis have detected
here some presence of Nazi and, out of a blue, bloody intention to
murder (by best wishes, I guess).

What's wrong with you, guys?

Best regards,
Dmitry Piyavkin
That was sent off-list and should not have been quoted here.  Presumably Dan
forwarded it to you.

No, the letter have came from list:

Solidarity?  With whom?  Oh, yes, The Workers.

I've explicitly explained with whom. Twice. It was utterly innocent and unoffending. And I'm amazed how you guys found pretext to turn that small topic into a flame.

So, working people are now kind of terrorists, huh?

Read the history of the French Revolution.  Or the Stalinist purges.

Lisi, do it yourself, please. French Revolution was bourgeois one. So capitalists should pay the bill, I guess.

And what kind of logic is it? So, if colonial Europe had performed all those uncountable atrocities all over the world and gave birth to Fascism we now should treat Europeans as spawns of evil?

Politics does not belong here,

Yeah, but you do it regularly. Discussing, by example, politcorrect forms of addressing audience with proper gender connotations. I personally have nothing against it or against other touch of OT subjects (like movies, personal stories, etc.). There is no human interaction without human part in it. The FOSS as itself has significant political dimension. Why we shouldn't discuss it?

So, I guess the problem is not in the politics as itself. The problem is in intolerance to other's opinion and desire to silence it under any ostensible pretexts (politics as a dirty and unmentionable subject). Mainstream propaganda encourage the sectarian attitude to neutralize p2p communications while they have full control over mass media. So the people which opinion differs from PoV of Ministry of Truth should be isolated, marginalized, express their views only somewhere in closed underground communities and publicly be in shame as some perverts, as if that are them who's starting wars, keeping their hands deep in other's pockets, buying elections and parliaments, lobbying laws, polluting lands, financing military contractors whose hostile actions devastate whole regions with results in hundreds of thousands dead and in millions displaced as refugees (and doing so they are even pointing fingers at century old Stalin, bah!), etc.

The thread was auto-extinguishing by its nature and explicitly marked as off-topic. You might easily ignore it if you don't share the opinion, you might easily filter it in your mail client. And it would be finished in 2 days with a few replies and then be silently removed as outdated OT. No, you've found funny linguistic excuses for phony accusations, blown the flame about nothing, just to cry in the end «Enough already!» Why? Because you fear that other people are… well… not so smart and sharp as you are, they may fall for treacherous speeches of some tempting snake, and should be protected at any cost. Constant vigilance! We're on a mission.

Please, give the people to decide by themselves. People are not stupid. If subject rise no interest, it will be ignored, will die by itself, and never be repeated again.

[!] Here I stop and quit all the Nazi, Stalin, innovative politic linguistics and all the crap, which I didn't intend to mention at all. Please, start your own thread for that. Or follow your own advice and stop the insinuations.

but nor do ad hominem attacks.

What attacks? Whom attacking whom? If you feel that I'm attacking you (but not your actions), I sincerely apologise and will never do that again.

What you, guys, are even doing in the thread if you believe that wishing best each other and expressing solidarity with fellow people means divisiveness, call to a murder, and all the horrible things you called it? It's ridiculous.

Best regards,
Dmitry Piyavkin

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