On Mon 02 May 2016 at 23:43:45 -0400, Felix Miata wrote:

> Gary Roach composed on 2016-05-02 16:38 (UTC-0700):
> >... Someone needs to figure out a way to handle this without
> >penalizing the rest of us.
> Penalizing is the emailing of unsolicited binary attachments to hundreds or

Subscribers to a Debian mailing list have solicited everything which is
sent to it and which Listmaster allows to be distributed. If what they
receive is not to their liking and they cannot persuade Listmaster to
adopt their proposals, they can unsubscribe.

> thousands of mailing list subscribers. This list's subscribers can see in
> the list posting rules that binary attachments are not to be expected unless
> of nominal size, thus can feel safe their disk space won't be wasted, and

  Avoid sending large attachments.

is the advice:


Nothing about "binary". Nothing about "nominal".

The OP tried to send an attachent of undisclosed size. It failed to be
distributed and he did not get a reason in a mail. Both events have been
explained to him and an alternative avenue suggested.

> internet bandwidth won't be wasted, on things a select few have interest in
> or will be opening. It's little different than the waste that is HTML

Subscribing to a list means taking the rough with the smooth.

Wasting bandwidth since 1996.

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