On Tue 03 May 2016 at 07:51:29 -0400, Felix Miata wrote:

> Brian composed on 2016-05-03 12:08 (UTC+0100):
> >On Mon 02 May 2016 at 23:43:45 -0400, Felix Miata wrote:
> >>thousands of mailing list subscribers. This list's subscribers can see in
> >>the list posting rules that binary attachments are not to be expected unless
> >>of nominal size, thus can feel safe their disk space won't be wasted, and
> >   Avoid sending large attachments.
> >is the advice:
> >   https://www.debian.org/MailingLists/
> https://wiki.debian.org/DebianMailingLists#Posting_Rules.2C_Guidelines.2C_and_Tips
> says:
>       "Do not submit an attachment larger than 10 KiB."

Please keep up at the back. :) That statement has been dealt with on
-user a day or so ago. It does not reflect reality on the lists today.

> The functional gist of the entirety of both URLs includes keeping
> submissions modest in size. Images attached virtually always violate that
> precept.

I do not know the size of the average screenshot but I can imagine it
would exceed what Listmaster allows. Listmaster also ensures only
modestly sized attachments sufficient for the list to function are sent
to the list.
> >Nothing about "binary". Nothing about "nominal".
> Binary is functionally implied. When was the last time you saw any software
> user/help mailing list post arrive with an image attached that was not many
> times 10KiB (10KiB is very roughly the average size of a debian-user mailing
> list post), or an attachment that was not an image? IME it rarely happens.

When did I last see a modestly sized image on -user? Yesterday.

Non-image 400K attachments are regularly seen on some Debian lists.

> Nominal in the context used means modest, something that wouldn't burden the
> system by bloating an ordinary plain text email many orders of magnitude.

Burdening the system is a consideration but so is enabling the work via
the lists to be carried out. 
> >>internet bandwidth won't be wasted, on things a select few have interest in
> >>or will be opening. It's little different than the waste that is HTML
> >Subscribing to a list means taking the rough with the smooth.
> It does not mean liking abuse or never doing anything to dissuade abuse.

I hope you are not implying Listmaster likes, encourages or condones
abuse. :)

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