On Sun, 31 Jul 2016 10:59:44 +0200
"Brian Wengel" <b...@wengel.dk> wrote:

> I guess I wasn't clear....don't see my post as a wish or argument for
> larger image sizes or the like. Actually the smaller the better, I
> agree. I'm talking about media. The debian developers should erase
> CD/DVD from their brian, and only focus on the technologies we use
> today and have used for many years.

Horses for courses.

I backed up my current encrypted laptop work partition to a DVD
yesterday. I make the partitions 4GB for that specific reason. I can
write a label on it. They cost less than 20p, or 25c US.

I have various USB sticks, a couple of which I carry in my wallet,
along with several micro-SD cards and that tiny Kingston USB card
reader. I use USB sticks for things other than plain files only when I
have to, as I've had all kinds of compatibility problems with them.
Even now, my main work stick invariably invokes a rude message from
Windows 8, offering to fix it, despite the fact that it seems to work
and is formatted FAT32.

> Are we seriously discussing floppy images? :-P

No. I threw out my last tomsrtbt a few years ago, after many years of
sterling service. Now I carry a Knoppix DVD *and* a USB stick.

> (and an apology to the list, I think it was a wrong place to target
> my post, as Mark pointed out)

It is about Debian, we are Debian users.


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