Thanks to all who replied (or read my original post), the problem is resolved.

I followed the instructions in Thomas Schmitt's first reply, and things just 

I need to try to puzzle out what I did differently the first time--I do know 
difference, I was trying to make a logical instead of a primary partition, 
maybe that had something to do with it.  And, I guess it is possible in all 
the attempts I made, maybe in some of them I hadn't umounted the drive before 
partioning (I'm about 95% sure I did, but ??.

At this point in time, I probably won't file a bug against that document, but 
I'll think it over (sleep on it) and might suggest adding explicit 
instructions (like Thomas').

Also, I learned some other useful things, like lsblk.

Thanks again!

Randy Kramer

On Thursday, August 18, 2016 03:45:06 PM Thomas Schmitt wrote:
> Pascal Hambourg wrote:
<good stuff elided>

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