On Fri 19 Aug 2016 at 08:42:51 (-0500), Richard Owlett wrote:
> On 8/19/2016 8:05 AM, to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
> >On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 07:41:56AM -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
> >
> >[...]
> >
> >>As I had said in last paragraph of
> >>https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2016/08/msg00609.html :
> >>"Why would I be interested in ssh as both machines are sitting on my
> >>desk and _neither_ will be connected to the internet when ethernet
> >>connection is live?"
> >
> >Because your newest IOT lightbulb[1] or other gadget[2] is spying on
> >you?
> >
> >Of course you may have reasons to "go simple", especially on setup,
> >and/or under controlled conditions; especially if you're connecting
> >the two boxes via one cable as has been sugested in this (monster)
> >thread several times, you're entitled to be somewhat secure.
> >
> >But dividing the world in "insecure outside, secure inside, and at
> >the perimeter, the firewall takes care of things" is a pretty
> >outdated way of thinking. Better use secure protocols inside your
> >network. You never know what your network printer is doing, there
> >beneath the desk.
> >
> >[1] <https://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/40397.html>
> >[2] 
> ><https://news.slashdot.org/story/16/08/18/2231244/smart-electrical-socket-leaks-your-email-address-can-launch-ddos-attacks>
> >
> >Regards
> My subject line is "A minimalist network" !
> The exhaustive all inclusive description of *MY* network is "A
> Lenovo T43 running WinXP Pro SP3 connected by a short Ethernet cable
> to a Lenovo R61 running experimental configurations of Debian Jessie
> (Mate desktop)." ;]!

This is a very long thread on a very short cable between two machines.
There are an unknown number of people who might read this thread to
achieve similar ends, but their situation might differ in some detail.
For example, their 'direct' connection might pass through the power
cabling in a shared rental, where a person downstairs could be
nefariously monitoring all the traffic.

When it comes to troubleshooting a problem, the specific, individual
circumstances are often essential for a fix. OTOH when it comes to
advising on a topic, it usually helps to be much more general and
inclusive, to help the most people.

[So, OP, this bears repetition:]
You frequently write in your posts something along the lines of "Off
to do homework" or "I've got some reading to do". So I would have
thought you would understand people's motives in writing for a larger
audience than just yourself, and for more than ephemeral usefulness.
The list isn't a free personal consulting service; the posts remain
permanently on the web site and other archives for anyone to search.


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