On Thu, 25 Aug 2016 at 18:16, John T. Haggerty <jpcoo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have the following issue (seems to be common although my details seem to
> differ):
> 1. I recently registered a new domain as WWW.whatever.org or whatever.
> 2. Postfix gets installed.
> 3. "Internet site " is enabled fqdn added.
> 4. Email cannot be sent out to my Gmail address since it magically "times
> out" when contacting the servers (even though telnetting to mine and
> Gmail's works fine at port 25)
> 5. In theory thus should mean that they aren't blocking 25, and it should
> work.
> 6. In the core wiki for Postfix I have the MX record of my server updated
> from the registrar to mail.whatever.org (pita since it's dynamic and not
> static).
> 7. I want to avoid using gmail's smtp and comcast's servers since I'd love
> to host this on my own.
> How can this be accomplished in Debian (not Ubuntu, or something else)? (I
> get irritated at Ubuntu specific explanations {which usually don't work}
> getting all the search results)
> Any help would be appreciated as I spent ~3 days of work and wiping the
> entire OS in case I went wrong somewhere.
Gmail doesn't block port 25 but they do refuse all non-secured attempts to


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