Vincent Lefevre <> wrote:
> On 2016-09-28 10:46:31 -0500, John Hasler wrote:
>> Vincent Lefevre writes:

>>> Things like that should not happen. But this is not a bug in the
>>> perl packages. This is a misfeature of apt / aptitude, which want to
>>> remove packages instead of holding the new packages (well, AFAIK,
>>> aptitude has improved, but is still not perfect).
>> Aptitude can't read your mind.

> I'm not asking it to read my mind. I just want it not to remove any
> package I have manually installed.

Sometimes packages change their name or are replaced by different
packages or are just removed without any viable replacement.

If apt/aptitude would hold on to your manually installed packages
forever you would soon end up in a situation where no further upgrades
can take place because all changes, either direct or indirect through
dependencies and conflicts, would violate your constraint of keeping
every manually installed package forever.

And just to remind again: this is Unstable/Sid we are talking about.
Things like this during transitions can and will happen and every user
of Unstable should be prepared to a) recognize such a situation and b)
be able to deal with the situation accordingliy.

That being said: yes, it would be nice if apt/aptitude somehow knew of
running transitions, just like knows and factor that
into the decision what to upgrade and what to remove.


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