On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 22:31:24 +0900, Mark Fletcher wrote:

> On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 06:05:27PM +0100, Brian wrote:
> > On Fri 30 Sep 2016 at 00:03:38 +0900, Mark Fletcher wrote:
> > 
> > > Anyway will finish trying to understand that shell script later -- it 
> > > wants me to run it as root, no way I am doing that until I have 
> > > satisfied myself I know roughly what it is going to do -- and then will 
> > > install the driver and compare the output.
> > 
> > Be a Debian man; dispense with that script and install the two provided
> > debs with 'dpkg -i'. I don't want to spoil the fun but will mention that
> > 'apt-get -f install' and Wheezy are your friends.
> > 
> This is what I did although in practice neither apt-get -f install nor 
> Wheezy were needed.

Strange. cnijfilter-ix6500series_3.50-1_amd64.deb depends on libtiff4,
which in turn depends on libjeg8. Nether of these is in Jessie. Could it
be you already had them on your system?

> > It gets boring after the package install. A print queue is easily set up
> > and printing to file gives no trouble.
> Indeed -- 2 dpkg -i invokations, and a setup of the printer in the CUPS 
> web admin tool, and I was done. I set up the "new" printer with a 
> slightly different name, so both can co-exist on the system. Looking at 
> the test page I could immediately see the colours were less dark with 
> the Canon driver. I then tried printing a couple of photos I had lying 
> around and they come out much better with the Canon driver. Windows 
> cannot print to the new CUPS printer, so clearly some of my fannying 
> around with AirPrint and/or samba did actually do something useful after 
> all. But Windows can still print, using the old printer, which has 
> always been good quality, and direct Linux printing can now get better 
> quality than before, so I am happy.
> Thanks a lot Brian for your advice with this.

You're welcome.

Who is beginning to wish Apple had renamed its printing software to SPUC.

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