D. R. Evans wrote:

> I am trying to set up the ability to record line-in, but have been unable
> to make it work and would appreciate advice. (I have looked at quite a few
> web pages of various kinds of help for ALSA, but all of them seem to be
> rather vague on the details of recording.)
> The hardware is very simple:
> ----
> n7dr@shack:~$ cat /proc/asound/cards
>  0 [IXP            ]: ATIIXP - ATI IXP
>                       ATI IXP rev 2 with ALC658D at 0xfe02a000, irq 17
> n7dr@shack:~$
> ----
> The card has a mic input, a line input, and a speaker output.
> If I simply run aplay with a WAV file, I hear the contents of the file.
> For example:
> ----
> n7dr@shack:~$ aplay -D hw:0,0 c*.wav
> ----
> causes the named file to play. So *playing* seems to be fine.
> However, I have been unable to find any way to record the line input.
> Everything I have tried has resulted in silence in the output file.
> For example:
> ----
> n7dr@shack:~$ arecord -D hw:0,0 -fdat foo.wav

It is very simple

1) find out the input

shell> cat /proc/asound/devices
  0: [ 0]   : control
  1:        : sequencer
  6: [ 0- 2]: hardware dependent
  7: [ 0- 3]: hardware dependent
 16: [ 0- 0]: digital audio playback
 17: [ 0- 1]: digital audio playback
 19: [ 0- 3]: digital audio playback
 24: [ 0- 0]: digital audio capture
 32: [ 1]   : control
 33:        : timer
 56: [ 1- 0]: digital audio capture
 64: [ 2]   : control
 88: [ 2- 0]: digital audio capture

=> my input is the capture on the second card

 88: [ 2- 0]: digital audio capture

2) so no we can test the input

shell> arecord -c2 -Dplughw:2,0 -f cd -vv /dev/null

You will see if recording can be done on the screen

> ----
> produces the file foo.wav, with silence.
> amixer says:
> ----
> n7dr@shack:~$ amixer
> Simple mixer control 'Master',0
>   Capabilities: pvolume pswitch pswitch-joined
>   Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
>   Limits: Playback 0 - 65536
>   Mono:
>   Front Left: Playback 55141 [84%] [on]
>   Front Right: Playback 55141 [84%] [on]
> Simple mixer control 'Capture',0
>   Capabilities: cvolume cswitch cswitch-joined
>   Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
>   Limits: Capture 0 - 65536
>   Front Left: Capture 53640 [82%] [off]
>   Front Right: Capture 53640 [82%] [off]
> n7dr@shack:~$
> ----
> which seems to be OK, insofar as I understand it, except that there is no
> indication of whether the capture device is line-in or the mic line. I
> haven't been able to find anything that explicitly tells me how to set the
> capture device to be the line in.
> alsamixer looks like this when viewing the Capture item:
> ───────────────────── AlsaMixer v1.0.28 ─────────────────────┐
> │ Card: PulseAudio                    F1:  Help               │
> │ Chip: PulseAudio                    F2:  System information │
> │ View: Capture                       F6:  Select sound card  │
> │ Item: Capture                       Esc: Exit               │
> │                                                             │
> │                                                             │
> │                                                             │
> │                                                             │
> │                                                             │
> │                                                             │
> │                                                             │
> │                                                             │
> │                            ┌──┐                             │
> │                            │  │                             │
> │                            │  │                             │
> │                            │  │                             │
> │                            │  │                             │
> │                            │  │                             │
> │                            │▒▒│                             │
> │                            │▒▒│                             │
> │                            │▒▒│                             │
> │                            │▒▒│                             │
> │                            │▒▒│                             │
> │                            │▒▒│                             │
> │                            │▒▒│                             │
> │                            │▒▒│                             │
> │                            │▒▒│                             │
> │                            │▒▒│                             │
> │                            │▒▒│                             │
> │                            │▒▒│                             │
> │                            │▒▒│                             │
> │                            │▒▒│                             │
> │                            │▒▒│                             │
> │                            │▒▒│                             │
> │                            │▒▒│                             │
> │                            │▒▒│                             │
> │                            │▒▒│                             │
> │                            │▒▒│                             │
> │                           L└──┘R                            │
> │                          CAPTURE                            │
> │                           82<>82                            │
> │                         <Capture >                          │
> │                                                             │
> │                                                             │
> │                                                             │
> │                                                             │
> │                                                             │
> │                                                             │
> │                                                             │
> │                                                             │
> └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
> I've also tried plugging the incoming audio into the mic socket (in case
> that's what's being captured), and that just records silence as well.
> So I suppose that my questions are:
> 1. How do I tell alsa that I want to capture from line-in?
> 2. How do I actually record the audio that I'm sending on the line-in
> line?
> If more information is needed before these questions can be answered,
> please let me know and I'll provide it.
>   Doc Evans

You are looking at PulseAudio, not at ALSA mixer

Try alsamixer -c0 and check the input section


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