On 10/27/16, Glenn English <ghe2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Does anyone know how to get rid of resolvconf?
> I'm putting a server together, and resovlconf keeps wiping my
> /etc/resolv.conf file and replacing the nameserver IP with "# Created by
> resolvconf" (approx). No nameserver, no anything.
> I removed it with Aptitude, and the file started talking about being built
> with dhcpd. Nameserver still wiped, and Aptitude says there's no package
> called dhcpd.
> These things seem to be triggered by an ifupdown, to either state. I removed
> some cruft that triggered it; now ifupdown doesn't any more, but a reboot
> does. As best I can tell, there's nothing in man or on the 'Net about
> removing it or just making it stop killing my nameserver file.
> This is a server. It will have a very stable nameserver IP. I'd like to be
> able to create a file containing the IP and not have 'helpful' software
> scribble on the file.
> Any and all suggestions will be appreciated...

My only experience with anything resolvconf is at the beginning of
setting up each new debootstrap. These days, things are usually filled
in properly so I keep moving down the lists of things to do.

Am writing because I just tried a couple Internet searches. They keep
ending up at a different distribution's forum pages, and I'm just not
up for pointing anyone over that-a'way.

BUT... Based on wandering through those pages, it looks like maybe
some searches related to "how do I add a dns server" (without quotes)
might land something. One thing I saw that sounded good *to me* was a
reference about declaring DNS nameserver information in
/etc/network/interfaces. If yours is/are staying the same, it sounds
like a possible solution.

This is that point where I made a disclaimer not too long ago. You
have to be careful about not declaring something in there twice, and
unfortunately I've now forgotten what that something was.. On second
thought, it might have been the gateway declaration that causes a
problem if it's in that file more than once, even if it's the same

Cindy :)

Cindy-Sue Causey
Talking Rock, Pickens County, Georgia, USA

* I comment, therefore I am (procrastinating elsewhere)...

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