Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote on 11/04/16 17:17:
> Jörg-Volker Peetz wrote on 11/04/16 14:39:
>> Maybe, this "one-liner" does what you want?
>> aptitude -F "%p" search ~Astable| sort | \
>>     (aptitude -F "%p" search ~Aunstable ~Atesting | sort -u | \
>>      comm -23 --nocheck-order /dev/fd/3 -) 3<&0
> This needs a correction, if I'm not mistaken:
> aptitude -F "%p" search ~i | sort | \
>     (aptitude -F "%p" search ~Aunstable ~Atesting | sort -u | \
>      comm -23 --nocheck-order /dev/fd/3 -) 3<&0
> All installed packages should be checked, not all available from stable.

Or just with aptitude:

aptitude -F "%p" search '!~Atesting!~Aunstable~i'

At least on my system it produces the same list of packages.

>> All three archives have to be present with the names used above in your
>> sources.list file (that is, e.g., "unstable" and not "sid").


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