Op 26-10-16 om 14:16 schreef kamaraju kusumanchi:
But now I find that my system has lots of packages from Jessie which
are no longer present in either Stretch or Sid. I would like get a
list of all such packages and decide if I want to remove them.

This isn't a complete answer to that, because it only looks at the packages in Stretch (because that's what's in your sources.list), but it's something:

apt-show-versions | sed -n 's/^\(\S*\):.* .* available .*$/\1/p'

With a properly updated cache, apt-show-versions shows a trailing text 'installed: No available version in archive' for all packages that are installed on your system but not installable. If you pipe the output through sed like that (checking for just 'available' should suffice), the result is a list of installed packages which are not available in the archive, using the current state of sources.list. On a multiarch system it will show some duplicates.

If you temporarily change your sources.list to Sid and run this as root, it should produce a Sid based list (just don't forget to switch back to Stretch before doing any upgrading!).


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