Greg Wooledge <> writes:

> On Thu, Dec 01, 2016 at 06:38:45PM +0000, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> Suppose that, during months and years, you have installed many packages in
>> your Debian system that you no more want and no more use, and that you want
>> to free some space on disk because your machine is old with a small hard
>> disk.  The problem is what packages you can be really sure and safe to
>> remove.
> At some point you actually have to *know* what a package does.  Go through
> the list sorted by size and skip everything you know is useful.  When you
> get to one that you think is not useful, or which you don't recognize
> *at all*, dig into it and find out what it does.  Then consider removing
> it, but be prepared to put it back if you break something.
> This is how you learn.
> P.S. will sort the installed packages by
> size for you.  As you can see, many of us have been there, done that.

Very useful.  Thanks.


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