
Nimrod wrote:
> the first user that logs in after boot locks the cdrom
> drive, and any other user that logs in can't eject the cdrom: only the first
> user can eject it.

Are you sure that it is the existence of the a user's ACL permission
which prevents the other's from ejecting and not their lack of own
permission ?

I understand from traces in the web, that on my Debian Jessie it is about
  SUBSYSTEM=="block", ENV{ID_CDROM}=="1", TAG+="uaccess"
Rumor has it that "uaccess" causes the ACL.

The permission set of my /dev/sr0

  brw-rw----+ 1 root cdrom 11, 0 Dec 23 12:26 /dev/sr0

is not narrowed by the desktop user's ACL but rather widened. So i would
assume that your whole family needs rw-permission. That could be achieved
here by putting them all into group "cdrom".

Have a nice day :)


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