Catherine Gramze schreef op 29-12-2016 19:47:
On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 1:36 PM, Xen <> wrote:

More importantly the man system or man format does not preclude such
documents being written as tutorials so basically it is being done
all around.

So your assertion here does not really have a basis in reality I
must say: the system does not preclude this from being done. People
can do it all they want, and they do it.

It is the people that insist on not doing it, that write poor man

​I did not say the man page system precluded it, nor that no man
page was written in such a manner. I stated the original purpose and
design of the man page as a complete reference, and only a reference,
and the futility of wishing that all man pages would be re-written to
conform to your personal preferences.​ What you apparently consider
to be a "poorly written" man page I find to be highly accessible and
useful. Give me the command and the list of options, with a sentence
or so explaining the function of each option. Done. I can figure out
which options I need better than somebody not in my situation.
Examples muddy up the page and make it harder to scan the options for
what I need without adding any clarity to the function..

That's not what you said, dear sir. What you said was: "Trying to wish the man pages into something they were never designed to be is likely to be unsuccessful.".

Basically, you imply or directly state that their stated design goals would interfere with becoming more introductory-text-oriented material (more explanative, rather than just poorly descriptive). I think it is clearly evident that the man page is clearly freeform as much as people want it to be. So it is rather evident that the design goals do not interfere with anything. Now again you state "the original purpose and design of the man page" in conjunction with "the futility of thinking (wishing) that all man pages would be re-written to conform to your "personal preferences"" (my quote).

Any "original purpose and design" of the man page would only have any bearing if through historical reasons the majority of man pages were thus poorly constructed. I say that this is not even the case. Barring that, those "original purposes and design goals" have no bearing whatsoever on saying what can, and cannot be done. Moroever, this design goal could very well change, or by evolution people could decide that this design goal IS changing.

You go on by stating your personal preferences.

So I think we can conclude at least three things:

- you *are* implying that somehow the descriptive option-oriented format is technically or at least principally (if, at the last instance, historically) being favoured by some "design goals" that people once had for the system. (That could also have been poor, as it is now).

- you are the one who is using personal preferences as a reason for stuff to remain this way, not me. I am saying (and others are) that many users, in fact, users or new users in general, cannot use the man system to full extent because of these attitudes and opinions and styles of writing these documents. So that is not personal preference at all but rather the truth of how many experience this system.

I have said nothing about what I like or don't like. So you are the one who is using what you like and don't like (or what works for you and doesn't work for you) (I have not implicated my own person at all, thus far) -- I have merely described how the system works and what descriptive is and what task-oriented is.

So actually I think you are just projecting stuff onto me that really is something you are doing, not me.


- NO where have I stated any "wish" for "all man pages" to be rewritten according to those what you call "personal preferences" (actually they are what would work for the majority of new users to any program) (and what does work, and what many man page authors actually naturally and intuitively do) -- but you call it futile. You misinterpret my intent here little lady. I am not asking anyone to do any work.

I am simply saying there is no reason to keep man pages poor based on some pre-existing notion of what they were initially intended to be.

Basically, you can judge formats on their own merit also considering, or perhaps, predominantly also considering the position the man pages today have in the system, in which the "alternatives" are unusable, so "that's what /usr/share/doc is for" does not count. It doesn't work. No one goes there.

It's too much trouble. The man system is automated and organized. The /usr/share/doc system is manual labour. As far as I know at least?

I have certainly not ever seen any reference to this thing being automated, other than the dysfunctional "info" system.

There are no other good reference materials other than the man system.

Certainly not for users wanting to have a quick hands on introduction or guide into how to use the thing.

So saying "there are alternatives that do that thing" is just lies and fallacy. It's not true. It doesn't work. That is wishful thinking indeed.

It will never work the way it is, and it has never worked the way it is. Only the man system works.

You must accept first that the man system is pretty much the only viable "info" system we have in Linux in the console world.

And you will know that they are indeed used by all users as introductory texts. Here is Grep:

"grep  searches the named input FILEs (or standard input if no files are
named, or if a single hyphen-minus (-) is given as file name) for lines
containing  a  match to the given PATTERN.  By default, grep prints the
matching lines."

Well, that is pretty introductory isn't it? It tells you exactly how to use it. This is exactly what I mean, and exactly what is good writing.

What comes next is rather confusing, because it is so immaterial or irrelevant as to the main program at that point:

"In  addition,  three  variant  programs  egrep,  fgrep  and  rgrep  are
available.   egrep  is  the  same  as  grep -E.   fgrep  is the same as
grep -F.  rgrep is the same as grep -r.  Direct  invocation  as  either
egrep  or  fgrep  is  deprecated,  but  is provided to allow historical
applications that rely on them to run unmodified."

Not something that makes all that much sense, especially given that no one actually uses that (and it is deprecated, probably, because of it).

But still, that can be forgiven, the beginning is excellent.

The option descriptions are also just fine and the length of the document is just about right, not too long, not too short.

No issue with this man page except for that paragraph.

Now aufs:

"Aufs is a stackable unification filesystem such as Unionfs, which  uni‐
fies  several  directories  and provides a merged single directory.  In
the early  days,  aufs  was  entirely  re-designed  and  re-implemented
Unionfs  Version  1.x series. After many original ideas, approaches and
improvements, it becomes totally different from Unionfs  while  keeping
the  basic features.  See Unionfs Version 1.x series for the basic fea‐
tures.  Recently, Unionfs Version 2.x series begin taking some of  same
approaches to aufs's."

That's not a very concise intro. More historical than functional.

"At mount-time, the order of interpreting options is,

 ·   simple flags, except xino/noxino and udba=notify
 ·   branches
 ·   xino/noxino
 ·   udba=notify"

That's just incomprehensible. It doesn't start with the most common options, when it should. That's no quick introductory text, that is a complete manual written in a weird way. OpenSUSE does the same with some of their man-pages, which are like books. (Try "man zipper"). There is no point in starting out with ORDER of things if you haven't even explained what those things ARE.

Then the syntax is just incomprehensible to begin with, and the description of it also. That's just completely unusable until you see some examples. So you skip down to the end of this very long page. And then it is still hard to comprehend to see what it does and how it is used, because the example aren't explained. So you go on the web and find your answers instead. Dirt-poor man page. Much too long but that is not the worst part. Poorly organized, doesn't explain that the system functions around "branches" (directories) and that you can create mount points based on 2 or more branches, but that you can also add and delete those branches from a running system (running mount).

If it explained that _first_ then all of the other options would make *more sense*.

So it's just poor writing from my perspective. Doesn't give examples soon enough, and when it does give them they are too complicated. When most users just want to do this:

mount -t aufs -o br:upper-dir=rw:lower-dir=ro none target-dir

Aufs has only two ordinary use cases:

- upper dir and lower dir

- both dirs are writeable and will see writes going to their respective directories (on each "upper" directory)

If it would just explain those two use cases, people would get a clue. Now they have to hunt the internet for that same information.

Because there is no lead-in explanatory text, users are now basically forced to read the entirety of the man page before they start getting a clue, or hunt around bits of information. So the speed of reading this man page is now gone.

So miss Catherine you say you don't want examples and that you want a man page to be a clean and concise list of options. The aufs man page is clearly the opposite of that and it still fails to tutor people.

It lists all of the options, but it is a complex program and needs more explanation. However it does this in reverse order, first starting with something you cannot comprehend until you have read the remaining parts, and all of the options are basically incomprehensible until you get the full picture, which would not take more than 5 lines to address.

So precisely because it fails to answer a user's questions when they arise, this is a poorly written man page.

For simple programs, like Grep, fine, that format is excellent. There is no need to explain much and it is such a basic tool that the "quick and easy list of options" format is enough.

But aufs or something like autofs needs much more explanation. And it needs to do this in a "chronological" order starting with the stuff the user first needs to understand, and then going on with the next.

If you display options for a program that hasn't been explained, it doesn't work. You'll first have to say what the program does you know. Even the Grep example does that.

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