flame war-
  man pages vs info pages?
  open source documentation vs closed source documentation?

yes some of them need to be updated.
yes there are wiki's that you can contribute to.

yet as someone said, 'someone else can do it'.  heard that too many times from 
too many people.
why isn't it 'i will take an hour to update this little piece of 
documentation'.  is it that the one's in charge of keeping the docs think that 
they know best and the docs are fine how they are?

personally when i release code to the public, i have notes threw out to tell 
others what is supposed to be happening.  this also helps me three years later 
when i look at updating it.  lets me know what i was thinking at the time.

how about this old one-

just my two cents. (just glad that i can say that still)

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