Hi all!
Has any of you benn able to pair the subject keyboard with bluetooth
under linux debian/jessie or stretch?
Using bluetoothctl 'pair xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx'
if I don't touch any key, nothing happens, and after a while I get:
Failed to pair: org.bluez.Error.AuthenticationTimeout

In case I enter '0000', bluetoothctl will say:
[Agent] PIN code: 939765
I enter this code and again it says
[Agent] PIN code: 118685
and so on until it stops with the AuthenticationTimeout error.

In /var/log/messages there is something like:
,,, Bluetooth-WARNING **: Could not load pin-code-database.xml

Trying old 'hidd --search' (that worked wonderfully in older Squeeze)
would say: Connecting ......
and then:

Can't get device information: function not implemented.

I'm completely lost and frustrated.
Can you help me? Thanks in advance, Ennio

[Perche' usare Win$ozz (dico io) se ..."anche uno sciocco sa farlo.   \\?//
 Fa' qualche cosa di cui non sei capace!"  (diceva Henry Miller) ]    (°|°)
[Why use Win$ozz (I say) if ... "even a fool can do that.              )=(
 Do something you aren't good at!" (as Henry Miller used to say) ]

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