* deloptes <delop...@gmail.com> [010217, 00:46]:
> ennio wrote:
> > I'm waiting for 'stretch' to be officially the new 'stable' debian
> > version on 5th February so as to fully upgrade my system (now it is
> > partially Jessie, partially Stretch) and check again whether or not
> > bluetooth works with this quite old keyboard.
> You could use stretch in apt/sources.list and upgrade already. No need to
> wait until 5th. Have some balls, show some character!
> regards

OK, I did it, but nothing changed: getting more or less the same errors
as before,may be some more. But I'll come back with some consistent data...
Regards, Ennio
[Perche' usare Win$ozz (dico io) se ..."anche uno sciocco sa farlo.   \\?//
 Fa' qualche cosa di cui non sei capace!"  (diceva Henry Miller) ]    (°|°)
[Why use Win$ozz (I say) if ... "even a fool can do that.              )=(
 Do something you aren't good at!" (as Henry Miller used to say) ]

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