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On Wed, Apr 26, 2017 at 10:07:01AM -0400, Ric Moore wrote:
> On 04/26/2017 08:36 AM, Brian wrote:
> >On Wed 26 Apr 2017 at 07:17:11 -0500, Richard Owlett wrote:
> >
> >>On 04/25/2017 08:17 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
> >>>On 04/24/2017 04:12 PM, Ben Caradoc-Davies wrote:
> >>>>On 24/04/17 22:58, Richard Owlett wrote:
> >>>>>If there were user accessible registers with a running total of
> >>>>>uploaded/downloaded data since device power on would be almost ideal
> >>>>>granularity.
> >>>>
> >>>>Is ifconfig available on a console during installation?
> >>>
> >>>I can not check at the moment.
> >>
> >>I attempted to check this morning using
> >>  debian-stretch-DI-rc3-i386-netinst.iso
> >>
> >>I did an install using expert mode, not selecting any GUI.
> >>At several points during the install I did Alt-F2 to bring up a terminal to
> >>attempt running ifconfig.
> >>
> >>"Command not found" was the uniform response.
> >>I booted the new install and attempted as root to run ifconfig.
> >>I again got "Command not found".
> >>That seemed odd.
> >>
> >>Having previously done an install using the same ISO and having selected the
> >>MATE desktop, I repeated the above with the same error.
> >>
> >>I have no problem running ifconfig under Squeeze (8.6.0).
> >>
> >>Is it "bug" or "operator error"?
> >
> >Let us see how a reasonably experienced user could have investigated the
> >cause. The package which provides ifconfig can be found from 'dpkg -S'
> >on a machine which has it. Or from the packages page on the Debian web
> >site,
> >
> >The ISO can be opened up (I use mc) and the /pool/main directory entered.
> >Go to "n". See it? No? Not a bug, then.
> "ifconfig" has to be run as root.

If you want to change something, yes. If not -- no.

Perhaps you're being misled by the fact that ifconfig usually lives in
/usr/bin, which usually isn't in a regular user's path, Therefore, just
invoking "ifconfig" as a regular user ends (usually) like so:

  tomas@rasputin:~$ ifconfig
  bash: ifconfig: command not found

That means your shell isn't finding the command. That *doesn't mean" you
are not allowed to invoke it (nor is that the message on the wrapping :)

Try with full path:

  tomas@rasputin:~$ /sbin/ifconfig
  eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr f0:de:f1:71:84:41  
            inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
            [blah blah blah]

Now if you tried to change the IP address as a regular user...

  tomas@rasputin:~$ /sbin/ifconfig eth0
  SIOCSIFADDR: Operation not permitted
  SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not permitted

Ouch. My operating system scolded me. *That* was an authorization failure
(and not a "command not found"). "Read the message" [1]


[1] Ed Krol "The Whole Internet User's Guide and Catalog"

- - tomás
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