Greg Wooledge <> writes:

> On Tue, Jun 20, 2017 at 04:43:25PM +0100, Rodolfo Medina wrote:
>> According to what you say, I solved my problem by putting my aliases in
>> ~/.bash_profile rather than in ~/.bash_aliases.  I don't know if it's
>> correct, but it works.
> It's not correct, because that file WON'T be read by regular shells.
> It's only read by login shells.
> Once more, from the top:
> 1) ~/.bash_profile should source ~/.bashrc
> 2) Shell functions and aliases and shopts and sets and other transient
>    settings should go in ~/.bashrc
> 3) Environment variables and other NON-transient settings should go in
>    ~/.bash_profile
> Substitute ~/.profile for ~/.bash_profile if necessary.  This is the file
> that is only read once.
> Substitute ~/.bash_aliases for ~/.bashrc if necessary.  This is the file
> that is read by every new instance of the shell.

My alias:

 alias mplayer='mplayer -demuxer lavf'

works, for tty* consoles, if I put it in ~/.bash_profile.  Instead, if I put it
in ~/.bashrc, it doesn't work within tty* but only within graphical system.


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