On 06/23/2017 11:50 PM, Maureen L Thomas wrote:

On 06/23/2017 09:35 PM, Ralph Katz wrote:
On 06/23/2017 06:30 PM, Maureen L Thomas wrote:
Are there no fixes to this problem? I have tried everything that I know how to do. Still nothing and it doesn't matter which browser I use. It worked just fine in Jessie and I am really sorry it upgraded to Stretch.
Works fine for me in firefox-esr in stretch using flashplayer from Marillat.

Add to /etc/apt/sources.list:
deb http://www.deb-multimedia.org stretch main non-free

# apt-get update, then apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla

Good luck!

I did as you said and I got the same results as I did before I installed it. Two games just send me to Adobe and one just keeps loading but never does a thing. Something is wrong and I can't find the damn thing. Any other suggestions?

I also tried this one:

Download page:

Download the .tar.gz (should be the same as this link):
https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/download/?installer=FP_24.0_for_Linux_64-bit_(.tar.gz)_-_NPAPI&sType=5504&standalone=1 <https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/download/?installer=FP_24.0_for_Linux_64-bit_%28.tar.gz%29_-_NPAPI&sType=5504&standalone=1>

For the next steps, you need to be root.

Extract the library (change the path to where you downloaded the .tar.gz):

tar zxfO /path/to/flash_player_npapi_linux.x86_64.tar.gz libflashplayer.so > /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so

Fix permissions:

chmod 644 /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so

Register the plugin:

update-alternatives --quiet --install /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/flash-mozilla.so flash-mozilla.so /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/libflashplayer.so 50

with no results at all.  Any other suggestions?

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