I run Debian on my laptops and several servers.

On my laptop I've had several recent occasions when it has been irksome
to try and find the cause of a service not starting or shutting down,
and I've concluded that I'd like to move away from systemd as I don't
like the binary log.

This isn't a conceptual/design issue as I don't know enough of init
fundamentals to make an informed judgement. It also isn't related to the
recent Slashdot article about DNS crashes and root privs escalation.
or the (possibly incorrectly reported) statements by Lennart Poettering
noted at "What are the pros/cons of Upstart and systemd?"

I additionally find the configuration and documentation off-putting.
These are trivial points, but the classic /etc config files seem to be
being replaced with ini style files with non-explicit defaults. The
documentation is wordy and also sometimes obtuse. e.g. "To disable a
configuration file supplied by the vendor, the recommended way is to
place a symlink to /dev/null in the configuration directory" and
repeated references to "vendors" (which is almost certainly the wrong

Simply put; systemd doesn't suit me. Its a bit like being asked to use
an graphical editor instead of vi. Or being forced to use Windows. My
laptop doesn't feel like my machine anymore.

Is there a pure Debian alternative?


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