On 07/04/2017 03:11 PM, Patrick Bartek wrote:
On Tue, 04 Jul 2017 19:51:39 +0200 deloptes <delop...@gmail.com> wrote:

Christian Seiler wrote:

For both Jessie and Stretch, the following holds true:

- GNOME requires systmed-logind's interfaces to work. (Or any
alternative that implements the same DBus interface, but none
exist in Debian at the moment)

+ one reason no to use Gnome

My thoughts exactly.  I stopped using GNOME or any desktop environment
5+ years ago.  Resource hogs..  A window manager, a single panel and a
couple virtual terminals are more than sufficient.


Funny, that sounds like something a Slack'er would say. Patrick, we are not all keyboard wizards like you and that other Patrick who can keyboard faster than I can read. That's a compliment on your abilities by the way.
Jimmy Johnson

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS - KDE 4.13.2 - Intel G3220 - EXT4 at sda5
Registered Linux User #380263

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