> From: to...@tuxteam.de
>> It"s probably based not on your IP, but on headers sent by your browser
>> (Accept-Language or something like that). There should be somewhere in
>> the settings where you can change that. At least on Firefox there is.
> I can confirm that (tested on https://wiki.debian.org). Depending on
> the language preferences set on my browser (en resp. fr), I stay on
> the default, English or get redirected to the French version, /fr/.

It is not consistent though, with scripts-off if you pick french from the main
page the content will become french but the top menus stay EN. If you
pick a link (installation rapide) the headers stay in EN. If you try the same
with DE then all of it is German. This is with a French IP. So it is not the IP
but some language cookie that throws it off? I guess if you use a lesser
browser than mozilla weird things happen, I accept that the IP speculation
was unsubstantiated.
But the inconsistency remains.

> So I don"t see any IP based language choice on wiki.debian.org, just
> one based on HTTP content negotiation (and thus on client choice), as
> it Should Be (TM).

> DISCLAIMER: I only tested without Javascript. I (mostly) browse with
> Javascript disabled.
> @Fungi4All: if you are interested in constructive discussions and not
> just in ranting off, please describe what you are seeing, at least
> with an URL for people to try to reproduce what you are seeing.

I thought I did, wiki.debian.org but here is a specific one 
Is the top menu in English or French. On my instance the content was english 
but the menus were not

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