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On Sun, Jul 09, 2017 at 10:55:06AM -0400, Fungi4All wrote:
> > From: to...@tuxteam.de


> > @Fungi4All: if you are interested in constructive discussions and not
> > just in ranting off, please describe what you are seeing, at least
> > with an URL for people to try to reproduce what you are seeing.

Hm. Was a bit confrontative, sorry for that.

> I thought I did, wiki.debian.org but here is a specific one 
> https://wiki.debian.org/fr/QuickInstall
> Is the top menu in English or French. On my instance the content was english 
> but the menus were not

Hm. There seem to be two levels:

 - the wiki URL: if I choose https://wiki.debian.org/fr/QuickInstall
   and my (browser) language preference is set to English, I get the
   French wiki content with an English top menu.

 - the lang preference: if I set my (browser) language preference
   to french, I can aim directly at https://wiki.debian.org/QuickInstall
   and get the French wiki content and a French top menu.

So I think the top menu only reacts to the preferred language set in
the browser. The wiki content itself obeys both the URL (i.e. the
intercalated /fr/ element) and to the browser preference.

Does this correspond with your findings?

Perhaps that's something to communicate to the debian-www administrators,
as detailed in https://wiki.debian.org/DebianWiki/Contact#content-admins
or in https://wiki.debian.org/DebianWiki/Contact#wiki-sys-admins, not
sure which (I'd try content-admins first).

- -- tomás
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