On Wed 19/Jul/2017 23:14:35 +0200 Martin Read wrote:
> On 19/07/17 12:17, Alessandro Vesely wrote:
>> One my wonder why GRSecurity is not (optionally) included in Linux.
> For a variety of reasons relating to the personalities and opinions of the
> people who would be involved - on both sides - in making it happen.
> It should be noted that some people who are not part of the grsec project 
> *are*
> trying to incrementally move the less performance-impactful features of grsec
> into the mainline kernel.

Yes, the example I had in mind was this:

Of course, nobody dislikes security.  Making it neat and clear is another
question, and that's why experiments are needed.  Can we consider Linux and
GRSecurity as entities cooperating with each other in that respect?


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