On Sat, Jul 22, 2017 at 3:29 AM, Alessandro Vesely <ves...@tana.it> wrote:
> On Thu 20/Jul/2017 22:18:25 +0200 Fungi4All wrote:
>> For linux we all need to agree before we decide.
> Yeah, that's a pita.  It's hard to change anything if everyone can veto.

That's sure indication that everything is getting too big -- the companies,
of course, but also the projects, the software, ...

... and the egos.

Joel Rees

One of these days I'll get someone to pay me
to design a language that combines the best of Forth and C.
Then I'll be able to leap wide instruction sets with a single #ifdef,
run faster than a speeding infinite loop with a #define,
and stop all integer size bugs with my bare cast.

More of my delusions:

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