On 2017-07-30, Erwan David <er...@rail.eu.org> wrote:
> Le 07/30/17 à 20:47, Dan Hitt a écrit :
>> I would like to run a second copy of firefox in debian, that is
>> completely unconnected to the first.
>> That is, the second copy should not share history, cookies, any kind
>> of storage, passwords, configuration, or anything else with the first.
>> It should be possible to send a signal to one (such as kill) without
>> the other being aware of it.
>> In essence it should run parallel to firefox like a clone (e.g., Pale
>> Moon), except using the same binary.  (But i'd be willing to copy the
>> binary if there were an easy way to just change its name to firefox2
>> or something.)
>> I suppose that i could do this with a virtual machine bur that seems
>> very heavy weight.
>> TIA for any clues on how to do this!
>> dan
> You can define another profile then use
> firefox -P profile

Yes, that's the way to go.

> I use it adding -no-remote because I do not want the links automatically
> opened to open in this instance.

I'm not quite following here. -no-remote allows you to run multiple
Firefox instances simultaneously (profile1 and profile2 at the same
time, let's say). However you cannot open external links in the
-no-remote instance (link in an email, for example--perhaps that's what
you mean by "do not want the links automatically opened to open in this

I could imagine this restriction being prohibitive in some cases, and
Sven's suggestion, which at first reading I thought unnecessarily
complicated, might then be taken into account.

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