On Mon, 14 Aug 2017 13:09:24 +0200 (CEST)
Pierre Frenkiel <pierre.frenk...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, 14 Aug 2017, Erik Christiansen wrote:

> >
> > It's fine to add new stuff to *nix, but the user interface for
> > existing stuff has to remain, or it's not worth a biscuit. (c.f.
> > postfix, which provides a sendmail-style interface for us
> > old-timers.)  
> thanks Erik for your explanations, but actually I see no good reason
> to revert to sysinit. I just wanted to know why the Debian wiki is
> not updated, 2 months after the Stretch release.

Stretch? Systemd was default init for Jessie, the previous stable.
Worse, an upgrade of Wheezy to Jessie would actually change the init
system used, thus breaking almost every Debian server in the world.

What the *nix world *really* needs is a worm to locate all old
documentation on the Net, and at the very least, mark it OBSOLETE in
very big letters.

The problem, as Erik says, is that the interface to large chunks of
*nix is continuously changing, and surprise, surprise, instructions
for fixing problems are almost all out of date and useless.

Particularly sound. And Grub. And the various suspends. And... 


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