On Monday 14 August 2017 10:20:01 deloptes wrote:

> to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
> > C'm on. Be friendlier. Communication is sometimes difficult. From
> > what can be seen here, Long Wind has crossed a large cultural gap
> > to be here. Reading docs is sometimes difficult, even for me (and
> > I was born in a language which is most probably neighbour to yours
> > and neighbour to our current common English).
> I wasn't unfriendly at all. The point is you can read from the
> question at what level this OP is. So as Ric Moore said, mutual
> respect is expected, in my world you get what you asked for. Stupid
> questions get stupid answers etc.
What if, in addition to jumping into the English speaking world, a high 
hurdle itself, and has just opened the networking door, possibly with a 
borrowed machine, and wants to know how to fix his network, w/o even 
posting the linux version and release he borrowed the install cd's for.

He is NOT going to be familiar with the common vernacular we often use, 
and may well ask a question that is stupid.

Are we to give him the RTFM brushoff, or actually try to educate this 
individual with a non-condescending tone to our reply's.?

I vote for the latter unless the OP refuses to take the directions 
offered, repeatedly.  Only then should any of us offer to discuss his 
family tree.

> > If you don't have the time (or the knowledge) to answer, just don't.
> > If you have (and you often have, and your contribs here are really
> > good), do.
> The point is the guy should read manuals, and as he later mentioned he
> would try rather BSD if he had to read manuals. This attitude can not
> be tolerated. We all are busy and at least I do not want to do
> someones homework especially if he/she is being lazy, especially if
> these are basics, described and commented on tausand places in the
> net.
> > But please, don't pour sarcasm on people who (pretty obviously)
> > aren't ill-intentioned, just struggling with a daunting cultural
> > chasm. Pretty please.
> Agree, I hope Long Wind got my message anyway. I also spent hours of
> reading documentation. There wasn't the internet as it is today, so I
> expect when someone asks something to show at least the attitude of
> willing to learn and not complaining why this and why that is
> difficult. It is difficult if you don't understand or know. Knowledge
> and understanding make things easy.
> And regarding cultural differencies, I spent a lot of time learning
> english and my mother language is far from english, well it is still
> indoeuropean, but it cost a lot of time and money to bring it at the
> level it is now, so again, respect the others, their time and their
> knowledge should be a must and I could not read anything of this in
> Long Wings question. Some poor guy who discovered Linux, wants to do
> something .... well ... some people may be better use windows or no
> computer at all.
> > (And tell *me* whenever I do the same: I'm far from perfect in that
> > department and can use some feedback too :)
> I admit that I am not that tolerant, but I did not expect you to
> comment on my post.
> regards

Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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